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08.09.03 - 21:48

I had a pretty good day today. Other than the pain. I met my girlfriend and ate albondigas soup and a tortilla. Since we had some extra time we split a blueberry chimi. It was pretty good. I love blueberries. Then we went to a friends house who is selling Mary Kay. We had facials. It felt nice. I bought some foundation. I needed some anyway. I was proud of myself for not buying anything extra that I didn't really need. I came home and got on the computer and tried to do some formatting changes. Then I went and played pschyobabble. I won a round. I am trying to decide on a format for my diary so it's not so all over the place. And I am also feeling like maybe I'm too old to be doing this. I read through random entries and most are from teenagers. So, I feel kinda lame for doing this. But, I enjoy writing, even if it is random and fragmented.

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